FPKHighlight – The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPK) of the University of Riau (Unri) has begun to prepare itself as an internationally accredited faculty. On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, FPK Unri conducted a Benchmarking (Comparative Study) to Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) and held a Signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS).

This agenda was carried out to break through so that FPK Unri could obtain international accreditation as for Unpad's success in achieving international accreditation ASIIN or "Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik by five study programs at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Padjadjaran University, and one of them (Marine Science Study Program) has obtained IMarEST International Accreditation or "The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology". This will certainly be an example of reference in preparing FPK Unri to have international accreditation in the future.

Discussion and sharing of experiences are the main objectives of FPK Unri in conducting Benchmarking to FPIK Unpad. This visit also embodies the Cooperation Agreement between them. The FPK Unri delegation team consists of Dean Prof. Dr. Rifardi MSc, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Nofrizal MSc, Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Cooperation and Alumni Ir. Jonny Zaen MSi, Head of Aquaculture Department Dr. Ir. Niken Ayu Pamukas MSi and Secretary of Department Dr. Ir. Adelina MSi, Head of Marine Science Department Dr. Zulkifli SPi MSi and Secretary of Department Dr. Dessy Yoswati SPi MSi, Head of Aquatic Resources Management Department Dr. Ir. Eddiwan Msc and Secretary of Department Nur El Fajri SPi MSi, Head of Doctoral Program in Environment Prof. Dr. Feliatra DEA, and one of the lecturers of the marine science study program Dr. Ir. Joko Samiaji MSc.

The embodiment of this activity is to collaborate together in publishing journals, exchanging lecturers, sharing and mentoring international programs and MBKM student exchanges. The hope is to develop and improve the Implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education Activities and Independent Learning Independent Campus and Main Performance Indicators of State Universities and mentoring international programs. [a/mas]