
Realizing superior higher education in Southeast Asia in producing human resources (HR) and marine and fisheries science and technology by 2035.

  1. Organizing the superior tri dharma of higher education;
  2. Implementing dignified university governance;
  3. Developing the potential of student excellence;
  4. Creating a reliable information system and implementing innovation for the benefit of society.

Faculty Leaders

Prof. Dr. Ir. Rifardi, M.Sc

Dekan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan
NIP. 19640125 199003 1 002

Prof. Dr. Nofrizal, S.Pi., M.Si

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs 
NIP. 19741125 199903 1 003

Dr. Iskandar Putra, S.Pi., M.Si

Vice Dean for General Affairs Finance
NIP. 19740111 200701 1 001

Ir. Jonny Zain, M.Si

Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Alumni
NIP. 19660110 199303 1 003


The Faculty of Fisheries was established in 1964. At that time, the Faculty of Fisheries only opened 1 (one) department, namely the Department of Marine Fisheries. For the first time, the Faculty of Fisheries was led by Drs. Kambali as Dean and Max Wibisino as Assistant Dean. Most of the teaching staff were extraordinary lecturers who came from various government agencies in Riau Province, especially those in Pekanbaru, where staff at these agencies who had undergraduate degrees were required by the Regional Government to teach at UNRI. This situation lasted until 1982, while the permanent lecturers of the Faculty of Fisheries were first appointed in 1968 and since then the development of lecturers has continued to increase from year to year. Sedangkan sejak tahun 1977, Jurusan Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan masih berapliasi dengan Fakultas Perikanan IPB untuk Program Sarjana, sedangkan Program Sarjana Muda masih diteruskan.
With the development of knowledge in the field of fisheries in Indonesia for the exploitation of diverse marine resources, the Department of Marine Fisheries is no longer deemed appropriate. For this reason, in 1976 an Eight Year Fisheries Faculty Development Plan (1976-1983) was prepared. In this plan, it has been formulated that in stages new study programs will be opened for Fishing Technology, Fisheries Product Technology, Fisheries Cultivation and Fisheries Economics. Until 1977, the Faculty of Fisheries provided education at the Bachelor (B.Sc) level, but before that the Bachelor (Ir.) level was implemented using an application system with the Faculty of Fisheries, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) for the Department of Fishing Technology. With this application system, for the first time in 1974, the Faculty of Fisheries produced undergraduate graduates.
Since 1985-2002, the Faculty of Fisheries has had 2 (two) departments, namely the Department of Aquatic Resources Management with 4 (four) Study Programs (Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, Fisheries Cultivation, Fisheries Resource Utilization and Fisheries Socioeconomics). However, in 1988 this department was added with 1 (one) study program, namely the Marine Science Study Program, and the Aquatic Products Processing Department with 1 (one) study program, namely the Fisheries Product Technology Study Program. Furthermore, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No: GI/Dikti/2002 dated 13 December 2002, FPK UNRI was expanded into 6 (six) Departments with 6 (six) Study Programs : Department of Water Resources Management (MSP); Department of Marine Science (IK); Department of Aquaculture (BDP); Department of Socioeconomic Fisheries (SEP); Department of Aquatic Resources Utilization (PSP); Department of Fishery Products Technology (THP).
In 2012, FPK UNRI opened a Masters (master) study program, namely the Marine Science Study Program which was established on August 10 2012, in accordance with the Decree of the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture number 5463/E2.2/2012. To increase the role of FPK UNRI in the field of national education, in 2016 FPK UNRI opened a PhD (doctoral) study program, namely the Marine Science Study Program which was established on March 10 2016, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 118/KPT/I /2016. The Semester Credit Unit (SKS) system at the Faculty of Fisheries began to be implemented in 1980, so since that year the Faculty of Fisheries has implemented a full Bachelor's Program without application to IPB.