The Chancellor of the University of Riau (Unri) Prof. Dr. Sri Indarti SE MSi admitted that she was surprised to see dozens of practicum ponds of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK), which turned out to be very productive because they were worked on seriously and professionally. "Frankly, I didn't expect the fish to be this many and big," she said during the first fish harvest in the pond area at the Panam Campus, Monday (11/25).
According to the Dean of FPK Prof. Dr. Ir. Rifardi MSc, in addition to being carried out for the benefit of student practicums, the ponds will soon be worked on commercially in collaboration with investors from Third Parties.
In the first harvest, the Chancellor was accompanied by the Chairperson of the Unri Senate Prof. Dr. Ir. Zulkarnaini MSi, as well as Vice Chancellors I, II and III, respectively Dr. Mexsasai Indra SH MH, Dr. Ir. Agus Sutikno MSi, and Prof. Dr. Hermandra MA. Also heads of institutions, units, and deans in the Unri environment.
Meanwhile, Prof. Rifardi was accompanied by Vice Deans I, II and III, Prof. Dr. Nofrizal SPi MSi, Dr. Iskandar Putra SPi MSi and Jonny Zain SPi MSi. As well as Senate Chair Ir. Rusliadi MSi, Secretary Ir. Ridar Hendri MSi PhD, lecturers and FPK students.
Arriving at the pond location at around 09.00 WIB, Prof. Sri Indarti who was greeted by Prof. Rifardi, immediately sprinkled fish food pellets into several ponds on the left and right of the entrance. Groups of tilapia, catfish and catfish, fought over the sprinkled pellets. "Wow, the fish are big, Mr. Dean," he said cheerfully.
The other Rector's group also fought over sprinkling pellets into the other 16 fish ponds. Everyone looked cheerful because the atmosphere relaxed the nerves, different from the daily routine of the academics.
Prof. Rifardi in his speech said that the fish that are entering the harvest period now are as wide as the palm of your hand or consumption size. They have been raised for about 4-5 months. "We started working seriously since the end of 2023. We repaired the leaking ponds, we routinely searched for water sources and pumped them into the ponds. And this is the result," said the Japanese-educated doctor.
He added that professional investors have come to offer cooperation. They provide capital for fish seeds and feed (pellets), while we, who have many expert human resources, manage the enlargement, and the results are divided in two. "We are interested in this offer. If Unri supports by issuing a legal umbrella and regulations, 50 percent of the ponds will be collaborated with investors. Not bad for additional income for Unri and the Faculty. While the other 50% of the ponds are for practice places for fisheries students and internship students from other faculties," he said.
Prof. Sri Indarti was interested in Prof. Rifardi's challenge and asked related officials to study and follow up on it. "I really appreciate this idea. We can ‘sell’ this spectacular achievement of FPK to be used as a basis for the faculty and Unri in achieving international accreditation. Moreover, I saw earlier, downstream fishery products, in the form of processed fish products made by students that have been recognized nationally, were also exhibited. I had a chance to taste it, and it tasted good,” he said.
The first fish harvest was carried out directly by the Chancellor, Prof. Sri Indarti, by catching fish in the pond. The audience applauded when the fish caught by the Chancellor were quite a lot and big. Before leaving the location, the Chancellor and his entourage had a chance to taste the dishes, including grilled fish from the harvest.